Episode 69: Binge Drinking versus daily drinking

Episode 68: A sober 2016 requires perspective and direction

Epidode 67:  Alcohol free for the holidays

Episode 66: Alcohol/health studies jump the shark

Episode 65: Intervention during the Holidays

Episode 64: Prostate health

Episode 63: Parkinson's

Episode 62: Gout

Episode 61: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Episode 60: Dementia

Episode 59:  Alcoholism meds and the quest for the Holy Grail

Episode 58:   Getting help... the 4-1-1 on 9-1-1

Episode 57: Stigma:  Awareness campaigns plus breast cancer dangers

Episode 56:  Lapse traps in the medicine chest

Episode 55:  Abstinence, Sobiety and Recovery

Episode 54: Vitamin A consequences from alcohol use

Episode 53: Beyond genetics

Episode 52: When has your liver had enough?

Episode 51: Autoimmune diseases

Episode 50: Three ways alcohol worsens asthma

Episode 49: Alcohol's hard-dollar cost

Episode 48: Early sobriety keys

Episode 47: Alcohol and the heat

Episode 46: Alcohol's ties to prostate trouble, hair loss and graying

Episode 45: Reaction time (recorded in San Francisco)

Episode 44: Gender, sleep, suicide and alcohol

Episode 43: Progressive disease

Episode 42: Men, women & alcohol

Episode 41: Brain damage

Episode 40: Oral diseases and cancer

Episode 39: Seasonal allergies

Episode 38: Eye health

Episode 37: Sexual health

Episode 36: Bone health

Episode 35: Kidney risks

Episode 34: Parents who host lose the most

Episode 33: How alcohol kills

Episode 32: Wet brain

Episode 31: Enabling

Episode 30: Psychological withdrawal

Episode 29: Physical withdrawal

Episode 28: Alcoholism screening

Episode 27: Alcohol and healinginjuries, wounds

Episode 26: Adult Children of Alcoholics

Episode 25: Junk science vs. facts on heart and liver health

Episode 24: Does treatment matter?

Episode 23: Alcohol overdose


Episode 22: Lung ailments and COPD

Episode 21: Hangovers

Episode 20: Drug interactions

Episode 19: How alcohol confounds sleep

Episode 18: The lie of 'holiday cheer'

Episode 17: Flu & Pneumonia

Episode 16: Cold Weather

Episode 15: Depression & Suicide

Episode 14: Heart health, part 2

Episode 13: Heart health, part 1

Episode 12: Underage drinking

Episode 11: Skin problems

Episode 10: Domestic violence

Episode 9:  FASD

Episode 8:  Alcohol, offenders and victims

Episode 7:  Brain injury

Episode 6:  Alcohol, blood
sugar, diabetics and

Episode 5:  Healthcare costs

Episode 4:  Stroke

Episode 3:  Cancer

Episode 2:  Breast Cancer

Episode 1:  Senior Health


© 2018 Scott Stevens

alcohol, alcoholism expert, alcoholism, dui, owi, drunk driving, drinking, drinking problems, treatment, counseling, relapse, sobriety, AA, self-help, books, alcohol treatment, Scott Stevens, what is alcoholism, alcoholism books, alcohol abuse, corrections, problem drinking, how do I quit drinking, relapse prevention, keynote speaker, sobriety, recovery, alcohol and health, health consequences of alcohol, recovery training, get help for drinking, alcohol addiction