Alcohol Research News Archive  includes only  copyrighted articles, as they appeared on news outlets, and only  articles which have been physician reviewed.

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Reprints of the following articles are available upon request

The first alcoholic drink sets in brain chemistry, cellular changes

Selling Care: Patient brokering in addiction treatment

The Eyes Have It: Vermont study connects alcoholism and eye color

Study: 33 million have an 'I-Don't-Have-a-Problem' alcohol problem

Plenty of awareness of the drug alcohol, not much about its health impact

Michigan study finds passive alcohol devices would cut 85 percent of alcohol-related crash deaths

Keeping perspective: A heroin epidemic and an alcohol pandemic

Behind enemy (head)lines: The point of drug-risk survey is NOT pot is safe

CDC: Despite warnings, 6 die daily from alcohol poisoning

Broken news? Alcohol disrupts sleep... a 'new' report readers had two years ago

UPI and other news outlets report 12/1 that man used alcohol 10M years ago... reported that two years ago

Impaired driving awareness month: 53 feet to safety

Treatment or mistreatment: CDC confirms alcoholism, partying not the same

CDC Study confirms drinking excessively doesn't mean alcoholism

Women over 60 getting help for alcohol problems, those under 30 aren't

Teen drinking under parent's eye not harmless, damages brain, encourages trouble

Four Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder myths endanger children

The controversy and collision of addiction science and spirituality

New study says TV ads spur kids to drink

Researcher says middle-aged women drink more than other age groups

Two questions predict alcohol use disorders with 80 percent accuracy

Excess drinking damages lungs, not just livers

Study finds counterintuitive father/son alcoholism link

From bullets to bottles: Some vets face new battle when they come home

One death every ten SECONDS is alcohol-related

Film review: On Life's Terms, Mothers in Recovery

Coming to a park, automobile or school near you: Powdered alcohol

Binge drinkers more susceptible to staph, other bacterial infections

Unexpected benefit of weight loss surgery: Less risky drinking

Alcohol labels found to understate alcohol content

National Kidney Month:  Alcohol disrupts kidney function, could lead to kidney failure

Dad's alcohol use before conception tied to fetal alcohol syndrome

Teens using energy drinks three times more likely to abuse alcohol

World Cancer Day: Alcohol is a carcinogen

Philip Seymour Hoffman's three lessons for those of us who aren't celebs

Research: Driving crash risk jumps at 0.01 blood alcohol concentration

CDC: Health pros don't screen for alcohol problems, even in risky patients

Economy five years ago impacting alcohol use today

Icy weather and alcohol a dangerous, even fatal, mix

Motorist poll: 96 percent say alcohol and driving don't mix but 20 percent do it anyway

The elevator doesn't work for alcohol recovery: Taking twelve steps on 12/12

Impaired Driving Awareness Month: 10,322 lives hang on alcohol and 3/5 second

Purple with a Purpose:  Pancreatic disease risk increases with alcohol use

Five considerations about alcohol for the holidays

Alcohol use creeps upward when Halloween falls closer to the weekend

Group aims to protect youth by banning alcohol ads on public transportation

Four of five dieters blame alcohol for failed weight-loss plans

Quitting, and staying quit, are boldly front and center in addiction recovery book for Red Ribbon Week

Bourbon legends: Seven hangover myths

Reaching puberty at an earlier age could tip off parents to child's earlier alcohol use

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Alcohol and abuse at home

Walmart aims to double beer sales, yet could stop selling cigs over "health issues"

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Decipher mixed messages about alcohol and breast cancer

The 12 steps unchanged after 74 years

JAMA: More hands-on treatment of alcoholism doesn't guarantee abstinence

U.S. tenth is world's alcohol use per capita

FASD Awareness Day:  Fetal alcohol syndrome more common than autism

Study lists greater social dangers from alcohol for adults in their 20's

Alcohol use is the leading contributor to dementia before age 65

National Recovery Month:  Five things to know about stopping drinking

Daily drinking before first pregnancy increases risk of breast cancer later in life

Booze or the band: Ultimatum to Bon Jovi guitarist shows the flaws of coerced treatment

Researchers use PET scan to spot alcoholics before they're alcoholic

Five beer brands connected to most alcohol-misuse ER visits

Inhaling gassed alcohol a risky way to get unconscious for the diet conscious

Opposing sides vocal over lower alcohol levels for driving

Safety agency proposes a lower .05 alcohol limit for U.S. drivers

Blood Pressure Education Month: Alcohol causes, worsens hypertension

Cinco facts about tequila

Stroke Awareness Month:  Alcohol use is a stroke risk factor

Premium wines pack more alcohol than drinkers expect

Researcher suggests docs with alcohol patients should try AA themselves

Drinking alcohol increases prediabetes, type 2 diabetes risk

Fingerprint scanner lets employers check for alcohol use

New app connects the sober with others who avoid alcohol

Midwest's first sober bar to open April 27 in suburban Chicago

Study:  Parents shouldn't admit past alcohol misuse to their children

Researchers find regular exercise limits brain injury from drinking alcohol

Pat Summerall, Roger Ebert deaths point to successes after alcohol treatment

Two of three underage alcohol-related deaths are not from car crashes

Understanding relapse: Rock legend Ozzy Osbourne's alcohol slip not uncommon

Beer taste trips brain reward center long before the alcohol hits it

Alcohol causes low birth weight, even when mother has treatment 12 months prior

Journal:  Alcohol health benefits are 'wishful thinking,' not evidence-based

Alcohol misuse linked with more social network site friends, visits

Report clouds connection between alcohol use and breast cancer

April 5-7 an 'alcohol-free' weekend for Alcohol Awareness Month

Ten Facts for Alcohol Awareness Month

Alcohol now third-leading cause of illness worldwide

Study: Mother's alcohol use causes one in six SIDS deaths

Final 'ObamaCare' rules closing gaps, improving alcohol treatment access in 2014

DNA study of primate ancestors suggests 10 million years of alcohol consumption

Norwegian study ties alcohol use to divorce probability

New drug may cut effects of alcohol

The link between alcohol and cancer:  'No amount is safe'

Journal:  Alcohol causes depression rather than curing it

Using diet soda as an alcohol mixer increases drunkenness

Researchers:  Shame leads to alcohol relapse

New app helps predict alcohol abuse and take action

Indiana seeks to become the last state in the nation to lift Sunday alcohol ban

Vaccine for problem drinkers makes them hungover after just one sip of alcohol

New review spotlights the damage from binge drinking alcohol

New sleep and alcohol study busts myths of booze improving sleep

Women drink more alcohol, men less, after marriage

Avoid alcohol during cold snap to stave off hypothermia

Sex problems last a year after drinking stops according to new study

Journal:  Doctors not catching alcohol use disorders

New CDC report on female drinkers shows 23,000 alcohol deaths annually

Scottish app demonstrates how alcohol ages women

America's worst city for alcohol abuse is...

America's drinking and driving death map

New Year's resolutions, part one:  Five things to know about stopping drinking

New Year's resolutions, part two:  Alcohol vs. tobacco, is one worse?

New Year's resolutions, part three:  The short-term health consequences of alcohol

New Year's resolutions, part four:  Alcohol's effects linger years after quitting

New Year's resolutions, part five:  Alcohol's lasting legacy on the brain and heart

Alcoholics asked to help with relapse-related survey

JAMA:  Mixing alcohol and energy drinks harmful

Government board calls for alcohol detectors in all cars

Genes, age of first use... and use of pot... predictors of alcoholism

European drug makers wins approval for alcoholism pill

Four facts about drinking season

Tired today?  Might be the drink you had to help you sleep

Research again ties stress to alcohol use disorders and relapse

The 12 daze of Christmas:  Holiday drinking sets example for kids

Study:  Teen drinking best thwarted by parents, not schools

Experts discover lasting learning changes after alcohol use

Voluntary alcopop campaign aims to curb teen drinking

Teen drinking gene found


You are under arrest:  Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month

What 53 feet means:  Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month begins

Brain protein may be key to new medications for alcohol abuse

New study shows why 'Just Say No' means 'Just Say Now' to some

Report:  1 in 4 minors are drinking alcohol, 1 in 12 buying their own

Childhood ADHD may be a predictor of alcohol abuse as an adult

Five myths about that nasty hangover you're expecting tomorrow

Higher alcohol taxes lower underage drinking

Stick with the bird, ditch the booze and beer for Thanksgiving

Gene variant in men ups risk of pancreatitis for heavy drinkers

Too often it is the bottle awaiting a Veteran's return

Alcohol intake plugs 100 calories per day into diets of U.S. Adults

Drinking during pregnancy drops the child's IQ by age eight

Young adults getting drunk before they get drunk

Know the difference between alcoholism and alcohol abuse

Moderate drinking cuts new brain cells by 40 percent

Increase in suicide rates and alcohol use disorders go hand-in-hand

Rice U drinking binge hospitalizes 11, social media could have provided clues

Meds boost outcomes but still no silver bullet for alcholism

The pink link between alcohol and breast cancer

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© 2018 Scott Stevens

alcohol, alcoholism expert, alcoholism, dui, owi, drunk driving, drinking, drinking problems, treatment, counseling, relapse, sobriety, AA, self-help, books, alcohol treatment, Scott Stevens, what is alcoholism, alcoholism books, alcohol abuse, corrections, problem drinking, how do I quit drinking, relapse prevention, keynote speaker, sobriety, recovery, alcohol and health, health consequences of alcohol, recovery training, get help for drinking, alcohol addiction